From the course: SketchUp: Bathroom Remodel

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Create a separate toilet room

Create a separate toilet room - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Bathroom Remodel

Create a separate toilet room

- [Instructor] In this video, we will start to redesign the bathroom. To begin with, I think we can reuse this space right now, which is currently used for laundry. And if we can somehow annex that space, we can make the bathroom much more interesting. So one we can do that is by stacking the washer and dryer and moving them into the walk-in closet. Let's proceed with this plan. I'll delete these separate washer and dryer models. And let's orbit around and take a look at the walk-in closet. I'll erase these lines on the ground which represent the closet rods. And I'll leave this closet rod, but erase this one. So we're going to take up about half the closet with our built-in here. So let's go ahead and go to the 3D Warehouse and type in stackable washer and dryer and select one of these models. Here's a 24 inch wide one. I'll download that into the model. And these are quite typical in condos. And there's no reason why we can't use it in a house like this as well. So I'll move this…
