From the course: Construction Management: Reading Civil Construction Drawings
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Grading and drainage plans
From the course: Construction Management: Reading Civil Construction Drawings
Grading and drainage plans
- [Instructor] As we saw when we looked at this site plan in our sample set of construction drawings, much of the grading and drainage information on this project is located on this combined site and grading plan. Which, as you can also see, makes things look pretty cluttered. Now, we've already taken a look at how to pick off the site plan information on this drawing. Let's go ahead and zoom in and take a look at how to find the grading information that we need on this drawing. So the first thing I want to do is call your attention to the legend in the upper-left corner. Let's zoom in and take a look at a few things. This is where it tells us what the lines are that are supposed to be the property lines. What the lines look like for a new contour line, major and minor. And as you can see, there's not a whole lot of differences between what these lines look like. So you really have to follow these lines through on the…
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