From the course: Cinema 4D R23 Essential Training: VFX

Cinema 4D for VFX artists

- [Andy] Hi, my name's Andy Needham. And welcome to this Cinema 4D R23 essential training course. Cinema 4D is a hugely popular software application developed by Maxon. And in this course, we're going to focus on how Cinema 4D is used for creating visual effects. Cinema 4D has a very powerful motion tracker and that tool will be the main focus of this course. After all practically every visual effects shot that is worked on starts with obtaining a solid camera track. My goal is that by the end of this course, you will feel comfortable working with the motion tracker object as I take you through the complete workflow from start to finish. We're also going to explore object tracking, another form of match moving which relies on tracking features manually. Because it's so much fun, we'll use the Voronoi Fracture object in combination with dynamics to create some destruction effects. And I'll share a method that utilizes the updated UV tools in Cinema 4D for baking animated materials to avoid slipping textures. When we get into the chapter on working with after effects, we'll touch on compositing multipass renders, and I'll share how you can export data from the aftereffects camera tracker to use in Cinema 4D. Whether you're a hobbyist, enthusiast or professional, looking to add a new skill, understanding the Cinema 4D motion tracker can open up some amazing creative possibilities for working in 3D. And I'm really looking forward to sharing with you what I believe is a really fun and intuitive workflow. So if you're ready, let's begin.
