From the course: Cinema 4D R19 Essential Training: Motion Graphics

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Working with parametric spline primitives

Working with parametric spline primitives - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D R19 Essential Training: Motion Graphics

Working with parametric spline primitives

- [Instructor] Cinema 4D has some excellent intuitive tools for creating splines. In this movie, we'll focus on the parametric spline primitive objects. Here are some common spline primitives which I've already added to the scene. You can add parametric spline primitives in a number of ways but the most common is from this flyout menu here. So I'm clicking and holding, and if I press shift, I'll create a circle, and because I have my null already selected, the circle will be created as a child object. In the attributes manager, you can see that we have some object properties, and working with parametric splines is non-destructive. That means if we press s on the keyboard to frame up our circle spline, we can come in and change the radius, we can make decisions, we can change our mind, and we can toggle different options, and it's all live. We can move on, come back, and just keep going, making decisions with this, changing the intermediate points. It's non-destructive workflow, as…
