From the course: Making Your Site Retina-Ready

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Adding an SVG fallback for older browsers

Adding an SVG fallback for older browsers

From the course: Making Your Site Retina-Ready

Adding an SVG fallback for older browsers

- Of course, as with all of the cool things on the web, not all browsers support SVG, as we've already seen, and the days of providing what's called a fallback or a PNG version in the case of SVG are kind of waning, thankfully. SVG's supported in IE 9 and above, and what if we have to care about IE 8 and other older mobile browsers like some versions of Android that don't support SVG? Well that's where adding a fallback like Modernizr can come in handy, or something called Grunticon, which I'm just gonna show you or briefly discuss. In this video, we're gonna explore Modernizr. We're gonna download it, add it to our pages and ensure that SVG works everywhere. So I've got a page here, obviously, this is the SVG, and you can see that I've got a PNG version of the logo and I've also got an SVG version of the logo, and these should work in IE 9, IE 10, IE 11 and above, in most other browsers, some, like I said before, mobile browsers, Android browsers will not…
