From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Styling the how-to section blockquote element

Styling the how-to section blockquote element - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Styling the how-to section blockquote element

- Now that we have the two side elements styled inside of the how-to section, we're going to work on the blockquote now. Let's go back to our CSS file. Going to scroll up here a little bit. We're still inside of the Let's add a line. I'm going to come up here and copy the rule name. Let's space paste that here, then a space. Now we'll target the blockquote, put in our brackets. If I go back to the HTML file, we are targeting this item here, this blockquote, inside of the section or the class of how-to. Let's go back to our CSS. Also going to split this on a few lines, just because we're going to add a few properties here. The first property we're going to set Is margin. We're going to set this to zero on all four sides. Next we're going to set a width. We're going to set this to 32%. Next we'll set the color of the type. # and a 4 for red, green, and blue, so that we get a medium dark grey. Next line we're going to set the background color. We're going…
