From the course: Exploring Photography: Shooting in Raw Mode

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Getting under the hood of your raw converter

Getting under the hood of your raw converter

From the course: Exploring Photography: Shooting in Raw Mode

Getting under the hood of your raw converter

- Whether you're using Photoshop, Camera Raw, Capture One, Bibble, Nikon Capture, or any other raw converter, the same processes have to take place in your raw converter and you already know what those processes are. Let's take a quick look at the steps we saw in chapter two and see how things work when you're converting a raw file on your computer as opposed to letting the camera do it for you. When you transfer a raw file to your computer, you end up with a document that contains the weirdly filterd grayscale information from your camera's sensor along with a small JPEG preview and all of the EXIF metadata that your camera stored. It's up to your raw conversion software to convert that raw data to a full-color image. As you saw in the last chapter, that process starts with demosaicing, sometimes that's called debayering if your camera uses the Bayer color filter array that we saw earlier. As you might expect, raw conversion software on your computer uses the same types of algorithms…
