From the course: Cubase Pro 10 Essential Training: Editing and Mixing
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Quick controls: Part 1 - Cubase Tutorial
From the course: Cubase Pro 10 Essential Training: Editing and Mixing
Quick controls: Part 1
- [Instructor] Moving onwards now, let's look at another of the panels available to us from within the track inspector. I'll be looking at the quick controls panel in this movie, and along the way, how it is often used when connected to a hardware MIDI controller to adapt and record changes to user-defined parameters. Let's begin though by listening to the opening couple of lines of dialogue on our narration track. I've got the track soloed, here it goes. ♪ Gatsby believed in the green light, ♪ ♪ The orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. ♪ - [Instructor] Okay, the audio level has already been set to playback at minus six decibels. If I wanted to automate changes to that minus six decibels playback level, I could use the volume lane, found by clicking here, on this reveal button arrow, once we roll over any of the tracks. Clicking here means the volume lane opens into view, and then with the resulting…
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Audio comping3m 5s
Track lanes6m 8s
Group effects7m 35s
Insert effects8m 30s
Send effects4m 30s
Adjusting send levels5m
Using fades5m 27s
Dissolving parts5m 14s
Cross fading6m 3s
Copy options4m 36s
Track versions6m 59s
Track notepad3m 26s
Quick controls: Part 15m 28s
Quick controls: Part 23m 20s
Organising plugins4m 33s
Plugin manager6m 54s
Plugin manager collections5m 42s
Direct offline processing6m 8s
DOP in use4m 17s
DOP information3m 22s