From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

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Targeting corrections with the Hue/Saturation/Luminance (HSL) keyer

Targeting corrections with the Hue/Saturation/Luminance (HSL) keyer - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

Targeting corrections with the Hue/Saturation/Luminance (HSL) keyer

- A lot of the tools we've been talking about so far in this chapter are relative newcomers in the color correction world, but an old standby, one that's been around since forever is the Keyer, the HSL Keyer, or the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance Keyer, an extremely powerful way of working and I'll show you how it works and then I'll show you my favorite way of using it, and you're going to find it by clicking on this little Qualifier icon, this Eye-Dropper icon. I'll click on it and it reveals this Qualifier Interface so let's start with what's going on here. What am I looking at? Well, we've got our Hue picture values represented on this top bar, the middle bar is all about selecting values based on Saturation, and the bottom bar is all about selecting values based on their Brightness. You'll see these little dots here to the left of Hue, Saturation, and Luminance. Those tell you if that set of parameters is active or not. We can choose to select a range of pixels so maybe I'll…
