From the course: Layout and Composition: Grids


I'm Sean Adams, and I'd like to welcome you to the foundations of layout and composition grids. In my course 'Foundations of Layout and Composition', we covered the broad strokes of grids and layout. In this course, we'll dig deeper with layouts using grids and proportions. A grid is not a prism, it is a helpful set of guides. All great design in layout, architecture, product design, interiors, and websites has an underlying structure and harmonious set of proportions. These proportional systems don't require you to use a high level of math or be a genius in geometry. They're simply the secret to strong layouts. A clear grid makes the difference between a sloppy and disorganized structure, and one that works as a clear and cohesive unit. We'll look at examples of strong design, using proportional systems such as the golden section and others that employ a grid in beautiful ways, We'll cover the basic anatomy of a grid, and different ways of creating one. We'll explore different ways to work with content, and how it can change depending on the grid's structure. Knowing how to use proportions and structure grids as the underpinning of a design is simply another strong tool to allow you to be the best possible you aspire to be. Welcome to the foundations of layout and composition grids.
