From the course: Drawing Foundations: Light and Shadow
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Hard and soft lighting effects
From the course: Drawing Foundations: Light and Shadow
Hard and soft lighting effects
The different characteristics of lights, whether it's hard or soft or diffused, can really change the characteristics of the subject that you're looking at. So, even a small angle change or position change with the light can really create a different feel. For this demonstration, I am going to be using 2 lamps. One is this table lamp that has just got a bare bulb into it, and another lamp that is in a soft box, and this is just a bare lamp that has got some diffusion onto it so it is a softer light source. We will be able to compare the differences between the 2. Here's an example of where the soft box has given a softer edge to the shadows of these apples. And, an edge is just where two objects or two surfaces meet together, most commonly in drawing we talk about a hard edge being an area that has a sharpness to it or a key focal point in the drawing. So, it could be a crisp line to indicate a change in shape or angle or it could be an area of high contrast. In this Michelangelo…
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