From the course: 21-Day Drawing Challenge

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Mike Cressy

Mike Cressy

- The next artist I want to share with you is Mike Cressy. He's based out of Washington, up around the Seattle area, and I love this drawing. He originally posted this on his Facebook page, and I liked it because he used one singular color. It was obviously a red type of colored pencil, and it's a good example of using whatever you have laying around, and in this case, it's almost like a monotone type of drawing. And in terms of when you approach drawing, I want you to use any excuse to draw. So, in this case, let's say you like alien type of sci-fi thematics. That's fine. You can draw it. That's what Mike chose to draw here, and what I like about this image is, I look at it, and it makes me wonder, okay, what's going on? What's he doing, and who are the people in the background? It's kind of making me curious. So, I think that's always a good thing to do when you're drawing out something, is to kind of engage the viewer on that level, and in this case, I just think it's a fun…
