From the course: Drawing Foundations: Light and Shadow
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Reflected light
From the course: Drawing Foundations: Light and Shadow
Reflected light
We briefly looked at reflected light on our lighting tutorial on the basics of light logic. But I just want to show you how amazingly things can change by just having two objects next to each other. So I'm going to look a couple of apples and using a white reflector and the actual apple as a reflector, I really want you to focus on the shadow side of this object to see how it can dramatically change both the color, the tone, and the whole feel of the scene in front of us. So really focus on the shadow here as I move the white card away. Notice how dark it goes. This is just from a piece of white card reflected into those shadows. If I take it away completely, you see it's gotten a lot dark now. And I'm going to slowly bring it in, and it really, really brightens it up. And it completely eradicates that, that formed shadow on the apple. And that's just from a piece of card. So, here I've got the same apple on a dark base, and notice how dark that shadow now is. And what I'm just going…
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