From the course: Type Tips

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"Nut" or stacked fractions

"Nut" or stacked fractions

From the course: Type Tips

"Nut" or stacked fractions

- Welcome to Type Tips, I'm Nigel French. This week, nut, stacked or case fractions. When you're working with open type fractions you will always have a diagonal fractional bar. So that means if I select these numbers, the numerator, the slash, and the denominator. If I have my type contextual controls turned on in my type preferences, actually I think that's in my advanced type preferences, yeah, this one right here. Then I can choose the fraction. Alternatively, I can come up here to the open type fly out menu and choose it, or I could also come and make myself a character style and this is the more efficient way of doing it. I'll call this fraction. I just need one property and that is open type features, fractions should be checked. And I can now apply it there, within the context of regular text. However, if we want a fraction that has a horizontal cross bar, then we need a font that has those characters. There are relatively few. One…
