From the course: Instructional Design Essentials: Models of ID
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How learning theory can guide instructional design
From the course: Instructional Design Essentials: Models of ID
How learning theory can guide instructional design
- Philosophers and psychologists have been devising and testing learning theories as far back as Plato and Aristotle. Today, instructional designers should have a working knowledge of learning theories because they provide the principles and conceptual frameworks that describe the learning process and explain how people learn. And while there are dozens of theories, over the past several decades, three major theories have become widely applied to instruction design: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. These theories differ in their definition of learning, their understanding of how learning happens, the factors that facilitate learning, and how learning changes behavior and lifts performance. As a result, they each characterize the role of the learner differently and prescribe different instructional methods to develop assessments and measure their success. Early in the 20th century, psychologists suggested that human behavior, like that of animals, could be explained in…
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