From the course: Video Budgeting

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Exporting a PDF of your budget with Showbiz

Exporting a PDF of your budget with Showbiz

From the course: Video Budgeting

Exporting a PDF of your budget with Showbiz

- [Narrator] Oddly enough there's no way to just export a PDF directly from Showbiz. It's set up to work with other accounting and spreadsheet type software. And for my purposes and probably your purposes a PDF is all you want to give to the client. So the way you create the PDF is actually using the Print command. So we're going to go to Print and there's a couple of things on this page that you need to know so that you don't end up printing a really long document. First thing we're going to do is come down here. You notice that all of the categories are selected over here on the left. So if I go ahead and create a PDF right now we're going to have hundreds of empty lines of information and pages and pages of nothing and that's just annoying and it's also a waste of paper. So what we want to do is we only want to print the lines that we're actually using in the budget so it's a nice clean budget. So the first thing we're going to do down here at the bottom, I'm going to say to hide…
