From the course: Excel: Analyzing and Visualizing Cash Flows

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Visualize cash flows using a waterfall chart

Visualize cash flows using a waterfall chart

From the course: Excel: Analyzing and Visualizing Cash Flows

Visualize cash flows using a waterfall chart

- [Instructor] Business people, at least the successful ones, tended to be good with numbers. Of course it can be difficult to visualize cash flows if all you have to work with are the raw numbers. In Excel 2016, Microsoft introduced the waterfall chart, which shows how values increase and decrease. In this movie I'll show you how to create this very useful chart type. My sample file is the waterfall workbook and you can find it in the chapter three folder of the exercise files collection. This workbook contains an Excel table that has a summary of a company's income statement. So here we have a description and an amount column, we have revenue, which we assume would be from sales, of $150,000. Then an expense for advertising, another for web services, and then SG and A, which is selling as well as general and administrative. Next we have an entry for operating income, which is 150,000 minus all of the advertising, web services, and SG and A expenses. So operating income is actually a…
