From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Color Correction

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Using the Waveform Monitor

Using the Waveform Monitor

- You can see a lot with your eyes. But when it comes to trying to objectively analyze color, they'll never give you a straight answer. If you stare at certain colors for a long period of time, they might have an effect on how we see other colors in the image. There's some great examples online that highlight this. Let's say you stare at an image long enough that has color and then look at a gray scale image immediately after. Your eyes can convince you that there is color in the image when in fact there's none. And this is why in color correction it's important to use video scopes. Video scopes will assist us in the color correction process by allowing us to objectively analyze the luminesce and color information in a clip. Let's explore the waveform monitor, the first scope on our list. So we're on chapter 1.2 right now. I'm actually going to navigate to that here in a second. But I wanted to show you the reason why we want to use scopes in the first place. When we first take a look…
