From the course: GarageBand Essential Training
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Split a drum track into multiple tracks - GarageBand Tutorial
From the course: GarageBand Essential Training
Split a drum track into multiple tracks
- [Instructor] All right, so previously I recorded this drum track onto a single region onto a single softer instrument track. Now, one of the frustrations some people have when recording softer instrument drums is that all of the individual drum parts, the kick, the snare, and the hi-hat in this case, all end up together in this one region. Now you do have some control over the levels of the individual instruments by opening up the Smart Controls panel here for the drum track, and you can see that we have dials here to adjust the levels of the kick, snare, tom, hi-hat symbols and percussion instruments. So this will allow you to mix the parts in this single region. However, sometimes you might want more control than this. For example, you might wanna use one drum kit's snare sound and another drum kit's kick sound. Or you may want to apply different effects to just single drums instead of the whole kit. So what we can do is split our softer drums onto their own separate tracks. It's…
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Understand MIDI and Musical Typing7m 35s
Connect a keyboard controller3m 23s
Record a software instrument track5m 10s
Cycle recording6m 31s
Split a drum track into multiple tracks6m 40s
Edit software tracks10m 15s
Create a click track6m 52s
Working with synth sounds6m 18s