From the course: Learning GitHub Actions
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Add a workflow status badge - GitHub Tutorial
From the course: Learning GitHub Actions
Add a workflow status badge
- [Instructor] Now that our pipeline is in place, we can have a little fun with it by adding a status badge to the read me file. Status badges let us present a graphical representation of a workflow's current state. By default, status badges track the master branch, but you can use query parameters to track other branches, and even other events like pull requests and releases. Usually, badges are placed on the read me file in the root directory of the repository, but feel free to put them wherever you'd like. The format is pretty simple. The link starts with followed by the owner and the name of the repository. The word workflows and then the name of the workflow that you want to show the status of. Then you end the whole thing with badge.svg. I've added a link to a status badge at the top of our cicd pipeline's read me file. Let's look at the preview. Hey, that looks pretty sweet. Now we can show everyone that…
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Plan your CI/CD pipeline1m 53s
Linting and unit tests2m 7s
Building and managing artifacts3m 4s
Testing1m 44s
Deploying1m 38s
Add a workflow status badge1m 7s
Challenge: Develop a CI/CD pipeline for a Python script57s
Solution: Develop a CI/CD pipeline for a Python script7m 40s