From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing
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Mounting a memory card with a card reader - GoPro HERO Tutorial
From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing
Mounting a memory card with a card reader
- Once you've got that memory card out, you're gonna need some sort of card reader. And there's a wide range of options. Let's talk about some of the choices that you can face. For example in this case I'm gonna start here with this one. This is a simple USBC port extender, and you'll notice that it goes from one port, to a collection of ports. This has the ability to take a full size SD card, as well as a smaller micro SD card. You'll also notice that we've got multiple ports here, making it easy to deal with the transfer. GoPro also makes its own series of small card readers, that are optimized with different connection types. So you can load directly into a mobile phone, if you wanted to upload on the go, or connect to a computer. Now besides something like this you may also find other card readers. The most typical thing you're gonna see is something of this size where it's looking for a full size card. Chances are when you purchased your micro SD card, it came with an adapter…
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