From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Design a powerful poster: Work with your photo, not against it

Design a powerful poster: Work with your photo, not against it

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Design a powerful poster: Work with your photo, not against it

- Hi everybody, John McWade, senior author here at David Bell of Trinity Methodist Theological College online in Auckland, New Zealand sent in this project asking for advice. It's a poster inviting his readers to learn more about TCOL courses, and its centerpiece is this absolutely iconic view of The Treasury in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. It's taken from inside this 250-foot-high sandstone slot canyon called the Siq. That's spelled S-I-Q. The eastern entrance to the city. If you've ever seen the film Indian Jones and the Last Crusade, you've seen this canyon. What I like about the poster is probably the same thing that you like: and that's that dramatic slash of light through the center of the page. What I don't like is that it's overexposed and kind of blown out, so it's not a great shot. And the layout of the page has some issues too that David asked us to fix. And I'd like to, because this is worth fixing. Let's look first at what's not working: The main issues…
