From the course: Universal Principles of Design
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- Hi, I'm William Lidwell and this is Universal Principles of Design. In this movie KISS; Keep It Simple Stupid. The acronym KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. But more politically correct variations are often used like Keep It Short & Simple, Keep It Stupid Simple and Keep It Simple Silly. The original less politic phrasing of the principle Keep It Simple Stupid was popularized by Kelly Johnson the legendary lead engineer of the Lockheed Skunkworks. If you've never heard of Kelly Johnson he led the design of advanced aircraft such as the P-38 Lightening, F-104 Starfighter and the SR-71 Blackbird. He is considered one of the great aircraft designers and R&D leaders of the 20th century. Johnson designed aircraft for war which meant planes had to perform reliably and they had to be easy to fix in rough, stressful field conditions. And one of the most powerful principles he employed to do this was KISS. The KISS principle asserts that simple systems work better than complex systems…