From the course: Information Literacy

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Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it

Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it

From the course: Information Literacy

Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it

- Plagiarism is using someone else's work without giving the original author credit for it. It is an unethical practice, and in essence, is stealing. Plagiarism is using words or ideas from a source that is not credited. Quoting or paraphrasing without citation. Mentioning a unique idea or something that is not common knowledge as if it were your own. Submitting all or part of a work you previously created without the permission of your instructors. Here we are talking about plagiarizing yourself, like submitting a paper you wrote for another course. How you can avoid it. Use your own words. Credit the original source. Use quotation marks when using text from original sources. Paraphrase without just changing a few words or the word order. Double check your work to make sure everything is properly cited. Often, plagiarism is the by-product of a rush or messy research process. Most people do not intend to plagiarize materials, but rather, they forget to insert quotation marks and give…
