From the course: IT Service Desk: Customer Service Fundamentals
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Building rapport over the phone, part 1
From the course: IT Service Desk: Customer Service Fundamentals
Building rapport over the phone, part 1
- Many technicians work across multiple channels of support including the phone, deskside support, walk-up bar, chat, and email. When I asked technicians which channel they prefer the most, I overwhelmingly hear desk-side and/or walk-up bar, face-to-face support. Why is that? Because it's easier to work with customers face-to-face when we can see their body language and hear their tone in words. We know that tone, words, and body language are three essential elements of communication. What happens when you lose the ability to use any of these three elements with a customer? Well, it makes technical support much more difficult. Let's start with telephone support as an example. You have at least two of the key components, words and tone, but no body language. So we have to take our approach and adjust it to focus on words and tone. Let's look at the key components to choosing the right language and tone for effectively building phone support. They are positive tone, listening and…
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The value of building rapport with customers3m 53s
Building rapport over the phone, part 14m 46s
Building rapport over the phone, part 24m 46s
Building rapport through writing: Style4m 55s
Building rapport through writing: Tone2m 47s
Building rapport through writing: Words3m 33s
Building rapport face-to-face4m 40s
Refining our message3m 3s
How to effectively manage conflict4m 59s