From the course: IT Service Desk: Customer Service Fundamentals

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Escalation procedures: How

Escalation procedures: How

- So now that we know we need to escalate, we must inform the customer and let them know what the process entails. To do so we really need to relay all the pertinent information, including what the next steps are, who or what group will be handling the issue going forward, and the timeframe for this group's response. We may also want to give the ticket number as well. Then finally, we need to confirm that the customer understands all of this escalation information. Let's look at some examples. - Hi Brian, since I'm unable to provide access to the site, I'm going to escalate this ticket to our access team. They'll be able to grant the access rights. I'm escalating the ticket through our system now and they'll process the request within 24 hours. You should receive an email confirming that your request has been approved. If you don't receive this email within 24 hours, please contact us via phone, chat, or email and we can further assist you. Do you have any questions? No? Great, thank…
