From the course: Help Desk Handbook for End Users: PC Basics, Hardware, Operating Systems, and Applications
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File management tools
From the course: Help Desk Handbook for End Users: PC Basics, Hardware, Operating Systems, and Applications
File management tools
- Every operating system enables you to manage data. You can create a folder and file system, a way to organize data stored both locally and up in the cloud. You can name and rename files and folders. You can save and retrieve data. You can sort and search for specific files using a bunch of different criteria, such as the type of the file, the date created, and more. Here's a brief tour of the tools used to do this task in each common operating system you'll encounter these days. Microsoft Windows uses File Explorer as the primary file management tool. Access it from the task bar. It shows folders on the left with files and folders for further selection on the right. This is a classic tree structure. Select the folder and see the sub-folders and files. Click on a sub-folder and see the contents of that sub-folder, and so on. Apple macOS uses Finder as the primary file management tool. You'll find Finder on the dock, which, by default, is along the bottom of the screen. Finder's all…