From the course: The Monster Drawing Workshop
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Cutting scary add-ons
From the course: The Monster Drawing Workshop
Cutting scary add-ons
- So now that we're done with drawing our scary add-ons, we move to step 2 of stage 5, which is to cut-out our scary add-ons. And on my two characters I cut-out all the elements needed to create all the pieces of my monster character. So now you have ten minutes to cut-out your scary add-ons. One thing you want to keep in mind as you're cutting-out add-ons or any of the pieces for that matter, and making the slots, you'll have your individual piece which has a slot cut into it, and you'l have your host shape, which has a corresponding slot. More than likely you want to keep the depth of those slot cuts the same so when they fit together they're more unified, that said, depending on what you're creating, for example, on this character right here, on his horns, one of the slots is a little deeper than the horn slot so the top of his head aligns with the top of the horns. So, you'll want to cut one slot, the corresponding slot, and then the add-on will join the host shape to form the…
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