From the course: Illustrator 2020 Essential Training

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The Appearance panel

The Appearance panel

- [Instructor] Get yourself a brand-new Illustrator document. It doesn't matter what profile it's using, it doesn't matter what color mode it's using. None of that is important. Once you've got a document, the chances are: it's got the default appearance, which is a white fill and a black stroke. And, if you look at the bottom of the toolbox and in a couple of other places, you should see that. So the solid square filled with white, the hollow square filled with black. We'll use one of the places in the interface to change the fill color of an object, so just change this to orange, for example. Just here or indeed any other color. And then we're going to draw a square. So tap M on your keyboard to get the Rectangle tool and then just come along and draw a square shape like so. Now I'm using the smart guide, so I don't need to hold any other key down. If I've got that diagonal line, I know it's going to be a square, but…
