From the course: Illustrator CC 2017 One-on-One Mastery
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Converting a radial gradient to a mesh - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator CC 2017 One-on-One Mastery
Converting a radial gradient to a mesh
- [Instructor] In this movie, I'll show you how to convert a radial gradient to a gradient mesh and we're going to use this technique to create this headlight effect. Now I'm going to switch over to Photoshop for a second so that you can see the screenshot that I captured complete with color values, and these are all the RGB values that are associated with those default gray scale swatches. And if you're not sure what I'm talking about, you will be in just a moment. But I want you to see how converting a radial gradient gives you a different kind of gradient mesh than you can achieve with any other approach. And so as opposed to creating rows and columns, we end up with rings. All right, so I'm going to switch back over to Illustrator here and I'll zoom on in here inside the document in progress. And I'll go ahead and select the headlight by clicking on this outline, very important, and then you just want to copy it and paste it in front. So, Control + C, Control + F here on the PC…
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If only Photoshop had this feature1m 26s
Introducing gradient mesh6m 43s
Using the dedicated Mesh tool6m 32s
Creating a basic gradient mesh12m 25s
Isolating a mesh object7m 49s
Deleting unwanted and invisible mesh points5m 28s
Releasing a gradient mesh3m 57s
Converting mesh points from cusp to smooth7m 27s
Sharpening or smoothing color transitions8m 31s
Assigning a mesh to a bendy shape9m 7s
Converting a linear gradient to a mesh8m 55s
Converting a radial gradient to a mesh13m 8s
Painting soft objects with gradient mesh7m 43s
Combining a mesh with a compound path11m 24s
Expressing surface contours with a mesh7m 14s
Painting contoured highlights7m 43s
Blending multiple mesh objects6m 6s
Using gradient mesh to cast shadows8m 43s