From the course: Introducing Illustrator

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Creating a radial gradient

Creating a radial gradient - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Introducing Illustrator

Creating a radial gradient

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to assign a so-called radial gradient to the central circle. All right, so first thing you want to do is select that circle with the black arrow tool and then again switch to the Gradient Tool, which actually looks like a little gradient. And then all you need to do is click inside of that circle in order to apply the last applied gradient, which happens to be that three-color linear gradient. And when I say linear gradient, I mean that the colors transition in a straight line. When you're working with a radial gradient, the colors transition in concentric circles. All right, now these aren't the colors I want, so I'll double-click on that first color stop, the one over on the left-hand side, and I'll change its color to this very dark shade of blue that begins R=27. And then I'll grab the second color stop right there, and I'll get rid of it by dragging it down off of the gradient…
