From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Finding the perfect color

Finding the perfect color - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Finding the perfect color

- I've got a three-part formula that I want to share with you. It's a formula designers can use to choose just the right color for a client's logo, their brochure, a website, whatever. So here's the formula. Look for a color that connects with your client's target audience, doesn't look like colors being used by your client's competitors, and expresses what your client makes or does. Now, before I say anything else about it, notice how this formula doesn't say anything about you, personally, loving the color that you come up with or even that the president of the company that you're working for loves the color. I mean, it is nice when those things happen, and they do sometimes, but it's really not what choosing a color for a client is all about. A client's color is about the client. It's also about the three things we just talked about: connecting with the client's audience, coming across as original, and representing the client's product. So, with my three-part formula in mind…
