From the course: Introducing Illustrator
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Introducing the Appearance panel - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Introducing Illustrator
Introducing the Appearance panel
- In this movie, I'll introduce you to the appearance panel which allows you to assign multiple fills or strokes to an object, and you can also determine the stacking order of those attributes, who's on top and who's on the bottom. And we're going to be using the appearance panel in order to create a kind of separation between this dark green stroke and this bright green fill. All right, so I'll go ahead and select our car shape so far. And as you can see here, we've got a bright green fill in a dark green stroke, and I want to separate them with another stroke set to white. And to make that happen, you want to click on this dot dot dot icon down here in the appearance area. Notice this region is called appearance, and what that does is it brings up the independent appearance panel. All right, now I'm going to select the stroke by clicking on it, and then I'll create a copy of it by clicking on this little plus sign down here…
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Creating color swatches7m 50s
Introducing the Appearance panel5m 51s
Filling and stroking type7m 2s
Applying variable-width strokes5m 17s
Using the Gradient tool6m 25s
Creating a radial gradient5m 46s
Creating a freeform gradient4m 24s
Using the Eyedropper tool3m 58s