From the course: Illustrator 2020 Essential Training
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Packaging Illustrator files - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator 2020 Essential Training
Packaging Illustrator files
- [Instructor] There may be times when you need to share Illustrator files with a colleague or perhaps someone like a print service provider. And to make sure they get everything that is required to work with the file, it will need to be packaged. When you create a package you add any linked files that the document contains, so your Photoshop files for example, other Illustrator files and so on. And Illustrator can optionally put those into a new folder and can relink them in the package document as they'll be moving on to a new file system and the links would break otherwise. You can choose to include fonts or package the font files used, if you're using Adobe fonts and your recipient is using Creative Cloud, there's no need to package them as they will simply sync when a document is opened. But be aware that not all files can be packaged, as some files are restricted by the vendor or manufacturer and there are legal concerns when…
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