From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Pairing hues

Pairing hues

- Designers often use pairs of colors for corporate branding projects. Or for print jobs, there are limited two colors of ink. Or, when they're just aiming for the simplicity of a powerful two color palette. So, let's talk about these two color palettes. This emblem style logo, it's going to be our guinea pig for all the color schemes we'll be looking at. We'll start by coloring it with pairs of hues that are meant to convey themselves energetically. When I'm looking for energy I usually go for the warmer side of the color wheel, for at least one of my two colors. So, how about a bright red? I'm going to pair it with a vibrant red-orange. That is an energetic palette. But, I can see already that we've hit a snag. These two colors just don't show up very well next to each other. They're too close in value. So, let's lighten the red-orange and darken the red, just slightly. That's much better already. And what about making the red-orange even lighter, to increase contrast. Now, you'd…
