From the course: Illustrator 2020 Essential Training
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Panels - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator 2020 Essential Training
- [Instructor] It's impossible to ignore panels in Illustrator. There are quite a lot of them, and you can't really do that much without working with them. Now, depending on the variation in the interface you're looking at, you'll see more or less panels. Here in the Essentials workspace that you're seeing on the screen there, there are three panels over on the side, the Properties, the Layers, and the Libraries panel, but if there's ever a panel that you can't find and you don't know where it is, or you've heard of a panel that you want to use, then you will find it in the Window menu. So, there are basically, to my mind, four different definitions of panel. So, there are ones that perform commands or make modifications, such as the Stroke panel here, for example, that changes the appearance of strokes, and then things like Align, underneath, which changes the position of things. So, both of those, commands or…
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