From the course: Time-Saving Tips Using Illustrator

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Pen tool shortcuts

Pen tool shortcuts

- [Instructor] There are several shortcuts that you can benefit from when using the Pen tool. Let me show you how you can harness the power of the Pen tool using these shortcuts. The first thing I'm gonna do is zoom in on the main area of this bridge right here. I'm just gonna zoom in to make that a little bit bigger so we can see what we're doing here, and I'm gonna make the Pen tool active. Now my goal here is not to show you how to draw with a Pen tool, but more how to leverage what it can do. Now, if you click and hold on the Pen tool, you'll notice that there's all these other tools that are available when you're using the Pen tool. They're all in that same category. However, there's no need to actually select any of them directly, and I'm gonna show you why. So with the Pen tool active, the first thing I'm gonna show you is if you hold down the Command or Control key on your keyboard, what you're really doing is temporarily activating the Direct Selection tool up here. So if I…
