From the course: Illustrator on the iPad: Typography and Type Effects

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Rotate type

Rotate type

- [Instructor] Let's create a type treatment using rotated text, something like this. So I'll begin with my type. Let's make that uppercase. The type face that I'm going to use is Fira Sans Compressed SemiBold. I'll scale it from its center point, moving to the outer ring of my touch modifier. I actually want to now break that into four pieces. Just before I do so though, let me adjust the letter spacing. I'll bring the letters closer together. And now I'm just going to create one piece, duplicate it, duplicate it again, and one more time. Let's now create my squares. Want to use my rectangle tool. Constrain this to a perfect square. I'm holding down the touch modifier. I'll duplicate it. Use my smart guides to align those two together. Select those two, duplicate. And again, move them down, constraining the movement. Use the smart guides to make sure that they all connect. I'll now come and change the…
