From the course: Illustrator: Designing with Grids and Guides

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Work with construction guides

Work with construction guides

- [Instructor] Construction Guides, which are part of Smart Guides, allow you to use your Pen tool to draw lines at specific angles. And I'm going to use Construction Guides here to divide this image up into different segments, to which I'll be applying color. So, let me turn my grid on to start with. Command, or Control, apostrophe. And then go to my Preferences, Command or Control, K. I'll come to Guides and Grid, and I'm going to set this to four subdivisions, gridline every 25.54 millimeters, or if you're in inches, that is one inch. I'll then come to my Smart Guides. I have Construction Guides turned on at 30 degree angles. Command, minus 2 is the amount. My image is on its own layer, and it's locked. So I'm going to come to the Layers panel and create a new layer above that. Now I'll chose my Pen tool. And I'm going to click outside the artboard, and as I move away from that anchor point, you can see that I get that Smart Guide label. Align on 120 degrees. And I'll click beneath…
