From the course: Illustrator CC 2017 One-on-One Advanced

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Working with radial gradients

Working with radial gradients

- [Voiceover] Alright, the only problem with the gradient fill inside the eye so far is that it should be a radial gradient instead of a linear one, as we can see when I press Control + Y or Command + Y on the Mac to expose the tracing template. Which is secretly a good thing, because we have even more control over radial gradients when working with the gradient tool. Alright, so I'll just go ahead and press Control + Y or Command + Y on a Mac to switch back to the preview mode. And I'll press Control + 0 or Command + 0 on the Mac to zoom out. Now, we're gonna start things off by modifying the radial gradient that's assigned to the face, and so I'll go ahead and press the Control key or the Command key on a Mac to temporarily access my last used arrow tool, which happens to be the black arrow, and then I'll click inside that background shape, and then I'll release the Control key or the Command key on a Mac to switch control back to the gradient tool. Alright, now notice we still have…
