From the course: InDesign Secrets

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080 Adding a drop shadow to a single word inside a frame

080 Adding a drop shadow to a single word inside a frame - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

080 Adding a drop shadow to a single word inside a frame

You know how you can create a drop shadow pretty easily, right? You select the picture, you go to the Object menu, go down to Effects and choose Drop Shadow, I usually press Command+Option+M or Ctrl+Alt+M on Windows, and then there we'll just accept the defaults and it gives a little shadow around the cut-out of this woman, let's undo. Now what if you wanted to apply a drop shadow to text? If you select the text frame and you press a keyboard shortcut Command+Option+M, Ctrl+Alt+M on Windows, I really hate 75% Opacity, I'm going to lower it to 30%, it applies it to all the words in the frame. But I just want to apply it to the word Love. So I select this word and I press Command+Option+M or Ctrl+Alt+M and nothing happens. If I go up to the Object menu and go to Effects, it's all grayed out. Because you really can't apply an effect to text, you can only apply it to something that you can select with the Selection Tool. And the answer is quite simple actually in InDesign, you need to…
