From the course: InDesign Secrets

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121 Creating pull quotes the easy way

121 Creating pull quotes the easy way - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

121 Creating pull quotes the easy way

Pull quotes! Don't we all love pull quotes. I want to show you three quick design slash production tips to help you make your pull quotes look great. And to speed your way through when you have to create a lot of them. Here we have a pull quote from our friend John Smith. Who, I don't know if this is John Smith or not. But he is talking about how wonderful he loves Rue Art Academy. And let's suppose that as the designer I have been given ten or 20 of these quotes from various students. That I need to place throughout the document. So I've cut and pasted the first quote into a text frame and ended it with a M dash John Smith. And I've already created my paragraph style. Which I have right here, called pull quote. But if I'm going end every single pull quote with the name of the person that I'm quoting, I'd probably want that name to look a little different than the rest of the quote. But instead of me having to select that name and make it italic or make it a different font or…
