From the course: InDesign: Beyond the Essentials

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Adding hanging punctuation with Optical Margin Alignment

Adding hanging punctuation with Optical Margin Alignment - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Beyond the Essentials

Adding hanging punctuation with Optical Margin Alignment

Once upon a time, there was a standard type setting practice that every professional designer knew about, called Hanging Punctuation. And that let you hang punctuation, like quote mark and hyphens, slightly outside the margin, and that could give you a little bit more visually pleasing edge on the left and right side of a column of text. For example, I have my Roux article file open from the exercise folder, and I'm going to zoom in on this column of text at the top. Now the most obvious punctuation on this page is this opening quote. We can see that we have a two character drop cap applied to this paragraph, and that punctuation, that open quote, is pushing the B way inside the text frame. Similarly, down here in the lower left corner of the text frame, we have a quotation mark, which is pushing the word powerful in from the left edge of the text frame. That's give a visual divot, a little bump on the left side. It would be more pleasing to my eye if that letter P were pushed up…
