From the course: Designing with Grids in InDesign
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Using First Baseline options instead of locking to the baseline grid - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: Designing with Grids in InDesign
Using First Baseline options instead of locking to the baseline grid
- [Narrator] Thus far, we've seen that once we create the baseline grid, we then need to go and align the text to that grid. If I now turn on the baseline grid in this document by pressing, cmd+opt+', or ctrl+alt+', we can see that the text is not currently aligned to that grid. And, to align the text, I would either on a case-by-case basis, come and select the text, come to my paragraph formatting controls, and click on this icon or better than that, come to my paragraph styles and include this instruction in the paragraph style options, Indents and Spacing, Align To Grid, and in this case, All Lines. But... there is another way, we do not need to force our text onto the grid using the align to grid option. We can instead, change our first baseline options. This is a mysterious setting... that lives in the Text Frame options. Let's just take a look at a diagram, first of all. So, here we have four of the five different First Baseline options. The default is Ascent, meaning that your…
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Setting up a baseline grid4m 53s
Potential problems with the baseline grid3m 1s
Bottoming out4m 58s
Subheads3m 42s
Accommodating paragraphs with different leading3m 23s
Halving your baseline grid increment2m 17s
Using a custom baseline grid3m 23s
Creating a cap height grid4m 5s
Using First Baseline options instead of locking to the baseline grid4m 26s