From the course: Java EE: Design Patterns and Architecture
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Advantages and disadvantages
From the course: Java EE: Design Patterns and Architecture
Advantages and disadvantages
- [Instructor] As is always the case, there are advantages and disadvantages to any design. Let's have a look at some of the advantages of the three-tier design first. The three-tiered architecture pattern is very well known and well established. It's usually the first application structure we learn about. It has been widely used for a long time and is very familiar to all developers, and it would be difficult to find any developer who doesn't know this pattern well, and it is it's ubiquitous nature that gives it an advantage over other designs. New developers to a project can get up and running with projects that follow this design immediately, sharing costs associated with learning curves and run-ins. Its design is easy to understand and makes immediate logical sense. It's intuitive, which makes talking about it much easier. This reduces barriers and allows developers to focus on solving problems rather than trying to come to terms with its design. All the tooling that you are…
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