From the course: Java 8+ Essential Training: Syntax and Structure
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Install Java on Windows - Java Tutorial
From the course: Java 8+ Essential Training: Syntax and Structure
Install Java on Windows
- [Instructor] The Java Development Kit is available from Oracle. Use the shortcut And from there, you'll go to this webpage, where you can click Java SE under Top Downloads. Go to the jdk download link, and then from there choose the download for Windows. Starting with Java nine, there's only one installer for Windows, and it's for the 64-bit edition. I've alreaady downloaded the installer to my desktop, and I'll start it by double clicking. If you're prompted with the user account control dialogue, click Yes, and then the installation will continue. The installation process is pretty straightforward without many options. On this screen, you can decide whether you're going to install the Public JRE or Java Runtime Environment. I'll leave this at the default settings and click Next. And that installs the main files for the Java Development Kit. Notice I'm using version 9.0.1. You might have a more recent version, and that would be fine. Next, if I selected the JRE…
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Install Java on Windows2m 17s
Add Java to the system PATH on Windows2m 41s
Install Java on OS X2m 59s
Test simple Java code in JShell4m 49s
Install and configure IntelliJ IDEA3m 45s
Create a project in IntelliJ IDEA6m 10s
Pass arguments to a console application5m
Take a tour of IntelliJ IDEA3m 56s
Use the Java API documentation4m 24s