From the course: Preparing for Successful Communication
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From the course: Preparing for Successful Communication
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- Want to know the secret to turning a no into a yes? Follow the example of Cassandra Lynn. Here's what I mean. I attended an international conference on innovation. The most impressive speaker was a surprise. She waited until everyone was quiet and then she leaned in and said, "I know what you're thinking. "What's a 13-year-old gonna teach me about innovation?" She paused and said with a twinkle in her eye, "We 13-year-olds know a thing or two, "like how to start a business that goes global." In 30 seconds, Cassandra Lynn turned potential resistance into positive receptivity. How? She read our mind. She realized some of these senior executives might be skeptical that a 7th grader would have anything to teach them, so she turned their skepticism into support by addressing it upfront. If you want to turn a no into a yes, use these three steps. Step one, ask yourself, why might my decision-maker say no? And say that first. If you don't voice people's objections, they won't be listening.…
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