From the course: Shooting and Processing Panoramas

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Sending from Lightroom Classic to Luminar

Sending from Lightroom Classic to Luminar

From the course: Shooting and Processing Panoramas

Sending from Lightroom Classic to Luminar

- [Instructor] One other option, if you're interested, is you can send from Lightroom to Luminar. What I like to do is use the Plug-in Extras command and transfer this to Luminar Flex. What this does is hands off the actual RAW file for more flexibility in developing. Now the raw data is read in and I can easily make advanced adjustments to recover details. Now the entire DNG file is opened up, so the crop in Lightroom was ignored and we get access to the entire image. This gives us the full quality RAW file to work with. What I'm going to do is apply the Develop filter here for RAW Develop and you see we get some flexibility to further recover details, but this is very similar to what we have in Lightroom. So instead, I'm going to use two useful technologies. One is called Tone and the Tone filter features this awesome Smart Tone filter, which makes it super easy to fill in the shadows without seeing a shift in color. I really like that. Combining that with Accent AI, I can really…
