From the course: Logic Pro X: Effects

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Echo and tape delays

Echo and tape delays - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X: Effects

Echo and tape delays

- Now I want to talk about some of the simpler delay plugins included with logic. I've taken the Liberty of creating a new bus here, and we're sending it to an ox return that I've labeled echo. We're going to use this pro lead sound that I'm so fond of. And let's take a listen to our friend echo. Basically echo is a beat sync delay that has a color circuit on it. So we can change the note value. We can set it to maybe a dotted eighth or multiplied or divided if we want to. This track that I made, I set the click at 170, cause that was easier for me to play to for whatever reason. So if I set it to a quarter dotted, then that's actually like an eighth dotted as you would count it normally. We've got our overall feedback, which is the amount of echos that we're going to hear. And then this color slider right here is going to give us some nice harmonic content and some filtering. Over on the right we've got our dry and wet…
