From the course: Logo Design: Symbolism in Nature

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Flowers: Blowing in the wind

Flowers: Blowing in the wind

- Lastly, as a child I recall an experience that produced a certain panic in my mother's voice, that I can still recall very vividly. I was young enough not to know the difference but old enough to remember playing in our front yard with a particularly handsome crop of Taraxacum, or as you and I would know them, dandelions. Most have moved beyond the flowering stage and their seed heads had come on. I was entertaining myself by picking these and blowing at the puff balls to watch the seeds go magically wafting into our yard. I was probably several dozen deep when she screamed for me to "Stop!". She had spent the previous weeks weeding the dandelions to get rid of them, and I was unknowingly propagating a new batch faster than she could destroy them. If you can get beyond the dandelion being a weed, and apparently there are a couple places in the world where it is valued, then there is some great visual benefit, to the unique white puff ball on top of the stem. Over the last several…
